If you would ask parents what their greatest challenges are, many of them will mention managing the family’s time, energy, and resources.   This becomes an even greater challenge in a family with a child with a special need. In a special needs family, there are numerous doctors, therapies and insurance 
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All babies cry. Crying is the main way that a baby communicates her needs before she starts to use language. If baby is hungry, tired, sick, uncomfortable, or has a soiled diaper, crying is a completely normal occurrence. But what about those babies who seemingly cry for no reason, sometimes 
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As a mother of a child with a rare genetic condition, there are lessons I’ve learned over the years that have helped me become a better parent and effectively advocate for my son. Dealing with the diagnosis of a special need is difficult, but there are steps that every parent 
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Social and emotional learning is an important piece of a child’s development. Many parents think of development in terms of a child learning to talk, walk, and become more independent during daily living skills. However, a child’s development is also characterized by learning how to interact with others and appropriately 
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Although parenting can be difficult and challenging, it can also be the most amazing and fun experience. There are many different parenting dynamics including single, married, divorced, grandparents, foster, adoptive or same-sex. Regardless of demographics, it is not uncommon for parenting styles to differ because all people have their own 
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Shaped like cartoon characters or baby animals, gummy multivitamins are one way to make sure a child gets vitamins and minerals. They taste good and fill the nutrition gaps in the diet. They sound like a win! And they are, as long as they’re taken correctly. As you can imagine, 
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Our five senses – vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste – help us learn about and move through our world. But, did you know there are two more senses that we employ every day?  They are called vestibular and proprioception. The vestibular sense makes us aware of our head.  It 
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Medically-based therapies are looked at much differently in Birth-to-Three programming than programming for school-age children.  Early Intervention is a system of coordinated services that promotes the child’s growth and development and supports families during the critical early years.  In the United States, Early Intervention services for eligible children and families 
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Routines give children a sense of security and help them develop self-discipline. As adults, we don’t realize the number of times per day our children’s routines are disrupted and how that can affect them. Every day, children experience developmental change without much upheaval, but environmental changes in routine need to be 
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