
The Via Marsi Montessori School Is Born

The Via Marsi Montessori School for Exceptional Children (aged 3 to 7 years with disabilities) opens its doors on 2433 W. Cherry Street, led by Dr Jon Osterkorn

Penfield Children’s Center

Via Marsi Montessori School for Exceptional Children relocates to 833 North 26th Street and changes its name to Penfield Children’s Center

Mario Montessori comes to the US
Mario Montessori comes to the US

Mario Montessori comes to the US and visits the first school to use Montessori education with Children with Special Needs.

First Birth to Three Contract

Penfield obtains the first Birth to Three contract with Milwaukee County.

Penfield volunteer program is added
Tom Thomczyk becomes the second CEO of Penfield Children’s Center
First Annual CP/Ortho Diagnostic Clinic

The therapy program holds the first annual CP/Ortho Diagnostic Clinic for children enrolled at Penfield.

The Special Care Nursery opens for medically fragile children
Expansion to the Penfield campus

Expansion to the Penfield campus includes a circular drive, an eastward extension of the 26th Street entrance, an outdoor play yard/therapy area, a 40-space parking lot, an iron gate, fencing and landscaping.

The first Croquet Tournament

The first Croquet Tournament, a fundraising tradition that continues today, is held at Boerner Botanical Gardens.

Penfield Children’s Center is certified

Penfield Children’s Center is certified as an Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Norman Soref Children’s Clinic is added to the existing Penfield building

The 20,000 sq. ft. Norman Soref Children’s Clinic is added to the existing Penfield building, spanning our physical presence between 26th and 27th streets.

Penfield initiates the Parent Mentor Program

Penfield initiates the Parent Mentor Program and the Grandparent Volunteer Program.

Jim Ryan becomes the third President and CEO of PCC
Renovations at PCC

The first floor is renovated and classrooms are divided with walls instead of bolsters, gross motor room is added for indoor play space, Special Care Nursery moves downstairs.

Penfield is licensed as an inclusive, Early Childhood Education Child Care program.
The Birth to Three program transitions to serving children in their natural environments.
The Special Care Nursery expands from 8 to 16 cribs.
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