What is a tantrum? Tantrums. Those dreaded crying and screaming spells where your toddler thinks their whole world is ending because they couldn’t have the purple fruit snack instead of the red one. Every parent knows that a tantrum is no joke. Their child is now inconsolable over the smallest 
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By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center No child is happy-go-lucky 100% of the time. And, it’s important to honor all of your child’s emotions because it’s healthy to express happiness, sadness, anger and excitement. But, if your little one seems to respond negatively often, it might be time to intervene, 
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By: Rebecca Michelsen, M.Ed., MCHES, Penfield Children’s Center No parents ever want to get the call from school informing them that their child has been part of a bullying incident. Worse yet, finding out that your child is doing the bullying, can be even more difficult to digest. As a 
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