September 11th
Join us for a free community event hosted by Penfield Children’s Center. Safety Safari is a family friendly event featuring health and safety resources, kids activities, community resources and more! The event is held in the Penfield Children’s Center parking lot, located at 833 N. 26th Street in Milwaukee.
September 11th
Penfield Children’s Center
833 N. 26th Street
Parking Lot
FREE event
Community welcome
Kid friendly

Activites and Resources include:
Acelero Learning
Betty Brinn Wagon
Bubbler Bike
City of Milwaukee: Health Department: Empowering Families of Milwaukee
City of Milwaukee: Health Department: Childhood Lead Primary Prevention
City of Milwaukee: Health Department: Mke Fatherhood Initiative
City of Milwaukee: Health Department: Southside Health Center
City on a Hill
Food for Health
Healthy Start
La Causa`
Lead Poisoning Information
Milwaukee public library
Milwaukee Public Museum
MKE Fire Department (Truck & Survive Alive)
MPD Horse Patrol & Car
Nearwest Side Partners
Penfield Children’s Center- Autism Services
Penfield Children’s Center- Behavior Clinic
Penfield Children’s Center- Early Education and Care
Penfield Children’s Center- Pregnancy Support Group
Safe and Sound
Wisconsin Medical Group

About Penfield Children's Center
For over 55 years Penfield Children’s Center has been a leader in child development, providing educational opportunities, behavioral health and therapy services, special care nursing services and an extensive network of community partners to support all aspects of early childhood needs.
We provide a positive start for all children by offering early education, heath and wellness services and family programing in a safe, stimulating environment.
Ensuring children have positive early experiences from pregnancy through age 5 when the foundations for lifelong development are established.