The goal of Pediatric Physical Therapy is to help children independently perform everyday gross motor skills like jumping and running and functional mobility skills like stair climbing and wheelchair mobility. Pediatric Physical Therapists work with children and their families to assist children in reaching their maximum potential to function independently 
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Family time is important.  It increases a family’s bond, communication and health and well-being. However, with dual income homes, extracurricular activities and weekend events it can be difficult to find time to spend together as a family.  Advances in technology have also put constraints on the time that families spend 
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A baby is considered premature if it is less than 37 weeks old at birth.  A premature baby, or preemie, is not fully developed, meaning some vital organs may not be functioning to their full potential or not yet ready to operate at all. While a full-term newborn weighs about 
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What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is diagnosed in children who have witnessed or been the victim of a significant trauma where someone’s life has been threatened or severe injury has occurred.  Some examples include:  physical abuse, sexual abuse, violence in the home, automobile accidents 
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What is a fever? Fever is determined by a rectal temperature over 100.4 F or 38.0 C and is one of the most common reasons for child emergency rooms visits.  Fever in a child may indicate serious illness, but more commonly fever is caused by infections that are easily treated.  
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By: Alex Henze Since nearly the beginning of human history, music has been used as a force for healing. Aristotle taught that “When we hear (music and poetry) our very soul is altered.” From Hippocrates to Native American medicine men, people have long used singing and playing instruments to cure. 
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When deciding what toys to purchase for a child with special needs or what activities to attempt in the home, it is common to wonder if it is appropriate for the child.  Many common child toys and activities can be adapted to meet the needs of all children in easy, 
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A child’s main job is to play and learn.  According to the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), occupational therapy helps children fully participate in daily activities or “occupations.”  Occupational therapists evaluate and treat the physical well-being, psychological, social and environmental factors that may hinder a child’s ability to function. Occupational 
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Amy Bontempo, Family Programs Coordinator at Penfield Children’s Center Teaching good nutrition starts early in life.  Set by example.  A parent who chooses to live a healthy lifestyle will teach his/her child to do the same.  Offer food choices from every food group, a collection of foods that share similar 
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