Routines give children a sense of security and help them develop self-discipline. As adults, we don’t realize the number of times per day our children’s routines are disrupted and how that can affect them. Every day, children experience developmental change without much upheaval, but environmental changes in routine need to be 
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The following information includes tips for meetings, parental advice for participating and navigating IEPs, IEP goals, how to navigate paperwork, how to navigate the law, and negotiating strategies to get what you want and what your child deserves. Individual Education Program (IEP) Under U.S. federal law, IEPs can be developed 
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Discipline is a good thing. This is how children learn which behaviors parents want to see more of and which behaviors should be avoided. There are a few things parents should remember when thinking about discipline. First of all, children are human beings. They have their own minds, desires and plans. 
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Everyone has sources of stress in their lives.  Parents of children with special needs have a completely different list of stressors that can impact them.  Are they making the “right” decisions for their children?  Are their children going to be accepted?  For parents who struggle with the health and development 
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The first and arguably most important step to take when you discover that your child is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy is to educate yourself.  What exactly is Cerebral Palsy? According to Mayo Clinic, Cerebral Palsy is defined as a disorder of movement, muscle tone or posture that is caused by 
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Change is Hard For Everyone The time has come for your baby or toddler to start day care.  Many questions run through a parent’s mind: “Will they like it?” and “Can I handle this?”  Take a deep breath, it will be okay.  Change is hard; it is natural to want 
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A child’s early years are full of developmental milestones. While a child’s first steps have us running for the camera, a toddler’s first tantrums have us running for the hills. Even worse is when these tantrums occur in public. Ideally, most of the work done to control tantrums will happen 
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Although it’s easy to grab a prepackaged snack for your child, processed snacks lack proper nutritional value and are often high in sugar. But by devoting time to making healthy snacks easily accessible, good food can be within arm’s reach for your child.  Preparing healthy snacks with your kids will 
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When a child receives a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, parents often feel many emotions including sadness, anger, hopelessness and guilt.  Other parents are simply relieved that they finally have a name for what has been affecting their child.  Both these reactions are normal and parents are allowed to feel 
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When taking a closer look at the percentages surrounding childhood vision impairment, the statistics may be surprising. Some 60% of students identified as problem learners have undetected vision troubles. An estimated 80% of what we learn is through our vision. A whopping 85% of America’s pre-schoolers haven’t undergone a comprehensive 
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