Introducing new foods to your weekly menu can be challenging.  Getting children to try new foods can be just as tough. Children typically need to be exposed to a new food six to 10 times … sometimes more. Learn some tips for introducing new foods to your child and making 
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For most babies, transitioning from liquid to pureed foods is an easy task.  However, some children with medical, physical or touch-sensitivity issues can find it difficult to adjust to the process and texture of eating purees.  Some children have a hard time with tongue control due to muscles that are 
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For children with special needs it is possible to have a variety of conditions that vary in severity and prognosis. A highly functioning child with autism, for example, may have one set of unique nutritional problems while a child with severe cerebral palsy will have a very different set of 
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Amy Bontempo, Family Programs Coordinator at Penfield Children’s Center Teaching good nutrition starts early in life.  Set by example.  A parent who chooses to live a healthy lifestyle will teach his/her child to do the same.  Offer food choices from every food group, a collection of foods that share similar 
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Mindy Schaefer, M.A., Certificate of Clinical Competency in Speech Language Pathology There are reasons why toddlers and young children can be “picky” eaters.  Often parents will say “he loved that food yesterday and now he won’t touch it.”  Why is this?  We know that in the first year of life 
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