Penfield is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a generous grant of $20,000 from The Catholic Community Foundation. The grant is designated to support Penfield’s Special Care Nursery, which provides care to infants and children with special healthcare needs. The Catholic Community Foundation’s contribution will directly benefit the 
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What is a tantrum? Tantrums. Those dreaded crying and screaming spells where your toddler thinks their whole world is ending because they couldn’t have the purple fruit snack instead of the red one. Every parent knows that a tantrum is no joke. Their child is now inconsolable over the smallest 
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Celebrate Black History Month With Books Black History Month is celebrated during the month of February as recognition of the impact made by African Americans in the United States. Celebrating with young children is a great way to introduce them to different cultures, stories and experiences. Reading picture books that 
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What is language development?Language development in babies and toddlers encompasses verbal and nonverbal forms of communication, skills which rapidly increase as the child grows and develops. These communication skills are broken down into two areas: receptive and expressive language. Receptive language is our ability to understand messages we hear, see 
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Hispanic Heritage Month is a month-long celebration that pays tribute to the contribution of Americans that trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Spanish-speaking nations of the Caribbean. The celebration honors the rich culture, history and contributions this community has made on the culture and 
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  The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Birth to 3 Program supports families during the pandemic!  It is critical now more than ever for families and doctors or others who work with Wisconsin families to take notice of developmental concerns in young children. While families and health care providers 
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By: Rebecca Michelsen, M.Ed., MCHES, Community Outreach & Education Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Music is a great way for children to learn and develop their skills while having some fun. One fun way to do this is by making your own maracas at home.  Children will work on fine motor 
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By: Rebecca Michelsen, M.Ed., MCHES, Community Outreach & Education Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Music is a great way for children to learn and develop their skills while having some fun. One fun way to do this is by making your own maracas at home.  Children will work on fine motor 
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By: Rebecca Michelsen, M.Ed., MCHES, Community Outreach & Education Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center My daughter loves playing outdoors and one of her favorite activities is looking at bugs.  However, recently while playing outdoors, she was stung by a hornet.  Now she is fearful of any bug that flies near her. 
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