By Suzanne Kletch, DPT, CFS, Aurora Health Care When kids go back to school, it’s an ideal time for parents and students to remember the importance of backpack safety. What’s the danger of backpacks? Their weight! As the kids pack up their homework, all those books and papers can get 
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By: Rebecca Michelsen, M.Ed., MCHES, Manager of Community Outreach & Family Programs, Penfield Children’s Center With the new school year in full swing, children are getting back into the routine of waking up early for class. While it might be nice to have the kids back in class again, how 
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Backtalk is a hot topic for most parents because it’s one of those behaviors that most parents just can’t stand. Being met with backtalk after asking our children to get ready for bed, or come inside for dinner, pushes our buttons because it feels disrespectful. Instantly we feel like we 
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Behavior charts are great tools for encouraging children to work on positive social skills. Adults love behavior charts because they help with consistency. Kids love behavior charts because they help others take notice of their hard work. If you decide that a behavior chart is something you’d like to try, 
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Babywearing has been practiced around the world for centuries, but gained popularity in the U.S. in recent years. Take a look at your grocery store tabloids and you’ll likely spot a celebrity mom or dad wearing their baby proudly as paparazzi snaps shots of them purchasing fruit from their local 
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While it is common for children to grieve the death of a loved one, children might also grieve following a divorce or separation, a loved one moving away or moving out of the home or decreased visitations with a loved one. All of these experiences can be considered a “loss.” 
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All babies cry. Crying is the main way that a baby communicates her needs before she starts to use language. If baby is hungry, tired, sick, uncomfortable, or has a soiled diaper, crying is a completely normal occurrence. But what about those babies who seemingly cry for no reason, sometimes 
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Shaped like cartoon characters or baby animals, gummy multivitamins are one way to make sure a child gets vitamins and minerals. They taste good and fill the nutrition gaps in the diet. They sound like a win! And they are, as long as they’re taken correctly. As you can imagine, 
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Many have heard the phrase “music calms the savage beast” and in all reality, it can. Music has the power to do even more than that and we all feel it at some points in our lives, whether we know it or not. How music is used on a child, 
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The birth of a child with a disability or on-going medical condition is a huge adjustment for any family. It can affect family relationships and finances and can exhaust the time and energies of parents. It can be overwhelming to deal with all the feelings associated with the care of 
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