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Many schools are open and very accepting when it comes to helping their students learn about their peers with special needs. Peer Sensitivity programming in schools is a great way to explain about disabilities and open the floor to let students ask questions in a comfortable and understanding environment. When 
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What are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders? Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders or FASDs are conditions that can potentially occur in a child whose mother consumed an excess amount of alcohol during pregnancy. The conditions can cause growth, mental and physical problems. Children with FASDs typically experience a mix of these problems. 
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Your child with Down syndrome is 33 months old and you are preparing to transition from Birth-to-Three services into an early childhood program at your local school. When researching an early childhood program, it is important to think about what your child should achieve by the end of the program. 
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Heather Rotolo, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Sarah Wittmann, M.S., Licensed Professional Counselor It is typical and developmentally appropriate for children to experience stress or anxiety when separated from their parents. When children are young, their parent(s) are their secure base and it is difficult for them to understand that, 
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Cognitive development refers to the way in which a child learns, solves problems, acquires knowledge about the surrounding environment and increases the ability to interact with it. Children acquire different cognitive skills as they meet certain developmental milestones.  As a parent, you can help your child improve cognitive development in 
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It is important for people to use appropriate language when referring to Down syndrome.  Proper communication about individuals with Down syndrome with both positive and accurate language is important in education and advocacy and can help individuals avoid choosing words that may be hurtful or offensive in the Down syndrome 
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If your child recently received a diagnosis of Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you might be experiencing many common and conflicting feelings right now. You might be relieved to finally have a reason for some of your child’s behaviors. You might be worried about what teachers or other parents will think 
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Reviewed by Melissa Hendrickson, RN and Director of Health Services at Penfield Children’s Center. What is a feeding tube? A temporary or removable feeding tube is a small, soft, hollow, plastic tube placed through the nose (NG/NJ) or mouth (OG) into the stomach or intestine. These tubes are used to 
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Parents, caretakers, physicians, and early childhood educators are expected to monitor child development and identify children with suspected disabilities so they can access and benefit from services.  To understand atypical development, caretakers first must understand typical development.  Developmental milestones are guidelines that enable parents and professionals to monitor a child’s 
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The following information includes tips for meetings, parental advice for participating and navigating IEPs, IEP goals, how to navigate paperwork, how to navigate the law, and negotiating strategies to get what you want and what your child deserves. Individual Education Program (IEP) Under U.S. federal law, IEPs can be developed 
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