It is important for people to use appropriate language when referring to Down syndrome.  Proper communication about individuals with Down syndrome with both positive and accurate language is important in education and advocacy and can help individuals avoid choosing words that may be hurtful or offensive in the Down syndrome 
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Hearing a child’s first words is an exciting experience for every parent.  What many parents don’t know, however, is how easily they can help their child learn new words and use language to communicate wants and needs. There are many simple ways to promote language development when your child starts 
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Our five senses – vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste – help us learn about and move through our world. But, did you know there are two more senses that we employ every day?  They are called vestibular and proprioception. The vestibular sense makes us aware of our head.  It 
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If your child recently received a diagnosis of Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you might be experiencing many common and conflicting feelings right now. You might be relieved to finally have a reason for some of your child’s behaviors. You might be worried about what teachers or other parents will think 
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What is an ear infection? An ear infection happens when the Eustachian tube, the passage connecting the middle ear to the back of the throat, becomes blocked. When this tube is healthy, it fills with air and prevents the build-up of fluid behind the ear drum.  When the tube becomes 
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Reviewed by Melissa Hendrickson, RN and Director of Health Services at Penfield Children’s Center. What is a feeding tube? A temporary or removable feeding tube is a small, soft, hollow, plastic tube placed through the nose (NG/NJ) or mouth (OG) into the stomach or intestine. These tubes are used to 
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Medically-based therapies are looked at much differently in Birth-to-Three programming than programming for school-age children.  Early Intervention is a system of coordinated services that promotes the child’s growth and development and supports families during the critical early years.  In the United States, Early Intervention services for eligible children and families 
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More children ages 5 to 14 sustain injuries and go to emergency rooms after biking than with any other sport. Following these guidelines will help to ensure your child is as safe as he or she can be when riding. All about the Bike When selecting a bike with your 
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Mothers and their children are connected even before birth. All those months spent together mark the beginning of a sometimes challenging, yet rewarding, relationship. Moms have an important role in their child’s mental health because they provide basic necessities (i.e. food, water, shelter, and sleep) and form a secure attachment 
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Parents, caretakers, physicians, and early childhood educators are expected to monitor child development and identify children with suspected disabilities so they can access and benefit from services.  To understand atypical development, caretakers first must understand typical development.  Developmental milestones are guidelines that enable parents and professionals to monitor a child’s 
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