Medically-based therapies are looked at much differently in Birth-to-Three programming than programming for school-age children.  Early Intervention is a system of coordinated services that promotes the child’s growth and development and supports families during the critical early years.  In the United States, Early Intervention services for eligible children and families 
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Parents, caretakers, physicians, and early childhood educators are expected to monitor child development and identify children with suspected disabilities so they can access and benefit from services.  To understand atypical development, caretakers first must understand typical development.  Developmental milestones are guidelines that enable parents and professionals to monitor a child’s 
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When deciding what toys to purchase for a child with special needs or what activities to attempt in the home, it is common to wonder if it is appropriate for the child.  Many common child toys and activities can be adapted to meet the needs of all children in easy, 
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A child’s main job is to play and learn.  According to the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), occupational therapy helps children fully participate in daily activities or “occupations.”  Occupational therapists evaluate and treat the physical well-being, psychological, social and environmental factors that may hinder a child’s ability to function. Occupational 
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