Discipline is a good thing. This is how children learn which behaviors parents want to see more of and which behaviors should be avoided. There are a few things parents should remember when thinking about discipline. First of all, children are human beings. They have their own minds, desires and plans. 
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Family time is important.  It increases a family’s bond, communication and health and well-being. However, with dual income homes, extracurricular activities and weekend events it can be difficult to find time to spend together as a family.  Advances in technology have also put constraints on the time that families spend 
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The ultimate goal of learning how to read is to build understanding.  It is important to provide opportunities to read aloud to your child and inspire him or her to practice every day.  Here are some tips to make reading time with your child an enjoyable and educational experience: Read 
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For many, acting defensive or aggressive is a natural response to conflict.  However, it is important that children learn effective conflict resolution skills that promote peaceful ways of solving problems between individuals.  Learning to deal with conflict in a friendly manner will help your child understand the importance of healthy 
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Welcoming a second bundle of joy to the family means big changes for you and your young child. While parents think their child will be excited with the new addition, it’s also normal for a child to feel jealous, confused or worried. As you prepare for the baby, you can 
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