It is estimated that between 15 and 18 percent of children have mental health problems and other brain-based challenges that interfere with learning. The most common of these are Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, Oppositional Defiance, Anxiety Disorders and a wide range of Learning Disabilities. Believe it or not, that is actually a 
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“You can’t make me!” screams your expressive child. Your breath quickens, heart rate elevates, blood pressure rises and a throb starts at the temples. At times you may feel like you “have to” make your child do things against her will. Tasks as simple as being asked to brush her 
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While it is common for children to grieve the death of a loved one, children might also grieve following a divorce or separation, a loved one moving away or moving out of the home or decreased visitations with a loved one. All of these experiences can be considered a “loss.” 
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What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder? Oppositional Defiant Disorder is characterized by a set of behaviors that are often negative, disrespectful, disobedient or hostile. These sets of behavior traits often are expressed through not listening, not following rules, extreme temper tantrums, deliberately annoying other people, being argumentative with adults, blaming others 
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Sibling rivalry is often caused by brothers and sisters fighting for the attention of their parents. The typical onset of sibling rivalry is shortly after the birth of the second child. The oldest child may have difficulty understanding that the parents must now divide their attention amongst several children, resulting 
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Dealing with challenging behavior can be frustrating and exhausting for parents. Using a combination of positive reinforcement and the appropriate discipline strategy based on the type of the behavior is necessary to improve behavior. But there is a preliminary step that is often overlooked when dealing with challenging behavior—understanding where 
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Although parenting can be difficult and challenging, it can also be the most amazing and fun experience. There are many different parenting dynamics including single, married, divorced, grandparents, foster, adoptive or same-sex. Regardless of demographics, it is not uncommon for parenting styles to differ because all people have their own 
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Heather Rotolo, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Sarah Wittmann, M.S., Licensed Professional Counselor It is typical and developmentally appropriate for children to experience stress or anxiety when separated from their parents. When children are young, their parent(s) are their secure base and it is difficult for them to understand that, 
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Discipline is a good thing. This is how children learn which behaviors parents want to see more of and which behaviors should be avoided. There are a few things parents should remember when thinking about discipline. First of all, children are human beings. They have their own minds, desires and plans. 
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What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is diagnosed in children who have witnessed or been the victim of a significant trauma where someone’s life has been threatened or severe injury has occurred.  Some examples include:  physical abuse, sexual abuse, violence in the home, automobile accidents 
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