It is estimated that only 1 in 10 car seats are installed correctly.  We all want our children to be safe when riding in the car, but choosing the right car seat and making sure it is properly installed can be confusing.  Watch the following video on car seat safety 
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For most babies, transitioning from liquid to pureed foods is an easy task.  However, some children with medical, physical or touch-sensitivity issues can find it difficult to adjust to the process and texture of eating purees.  Some children have a hard time with tongue control due to muscles that are 
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A parent may wonder what kind of toys or activities are important for his/her baby’s development.  The answer to that question is simple: parents are the most important people in a baby’s life and can never replace even the most technologically advanced toy or activity.  Today’s technology has transformed the 
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Our five senses – vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste – help us learn about and move through our world. But, did you know there are two more senses that we employ every day?  They are called vestibular and proprioception. The vestibular sense makes us aware of our head.  It 
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Why It’s Important Unintentional suffocation is the leading cause of injury-related death among infants, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. In 2010, 1,176 children died from unintentional suffocation. In 2011, 22,791 children were treated in emergency departments for nonfatal inhalation or suffocation. Most childhood suffocation, choking, and strangulation incidents occur at 
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