By: Cristina Moreno, Penfield Children’s Center As I mentioned in my earlier post, the time that my son spent in the NICU was very emotional in many different ways. There were days that I felt overjoyed to hear the progress he was making, like the day he was able to 
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By: Sarah Wittmann Every adoption story is unique. When people who are considering the process ask me for tips on what the process involves, it’s a hard question to answer. From my perspective, the process of waiting for my son has been long and emotional, but ultimately the most rewarding 
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Regular exercise is important for a child’s health. Make exercise fun by creating an obstacle course at home!
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By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center Reviewed by: Melissa Hendrickson, RN, Penfield Children’s Center When you have young ones in the house, being prepared for cuts and scrapes is a must! An easy way to stay organized is to have an accessible first aid kit in your house and car. 
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A consistent bedtime routine can help your child wind down at the end of the day and get a good night’s rest!
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One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is a lifelong love of fitness. Whether your child prefers to kick around a soccer ball, tumble through a gymnastics class or swim laps with the team, movement is key to a happy and healthy life. Looking back on my 
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Creative journaling is a great way for kids of all ages and abilities to express themselves and process the world around them. It also helps document big events and offers a unique way for your child to tell the story of her life’s journey. It can be fun to look 
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How many of us spend more time working than we do with our families? Time is something we all wish we had more of. Day to day, we work many hours away from home to take care of expenses and support our families. Oftentimes, parents feel guilty for not being 
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These days, it is all too common to turn on the news and see and hear tragedy after tragedy. Sometimes, it might seem like every week there is a mass shooting or environmental disaster. While this can be difficult to deal with as an adult, it is often even more 
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Backtalk is a hot topic for most parents because it’s one of those behaviors that most parents just can’t stand. Being met with backtalk after asking our children to get ready for bed, or come inside for dinner, pushes our buttons because it feels disrespectful. Instantly we feel like we 
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