Rashes can be a frequent occurrence for children. One common type of skin rash, called eczema, can be an ongoing cause of discomfort. In fact, 1 out of every 10 children will develop this type of skin condition. What is eczema? Eczema causes skin to become dry, red, and irritated, 
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Back to sleep, tummy to play! It’s important to frequently change a baby’s positioning in order to strengthen neck muscles and reduce the occurrence of torticollis (tilting of the head or difficulty turning his/her neck).
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Mel Hendrickson and Kelsey Rinzel Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the airways. In children, it is the leading cause of emergency room visits, hospitalizations and missed school days. Asthma can be a life threatening disease if it is not properly managed. Symptoms of Asthma Frequent coughing spells 
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Does your child w-sit? While it’s OK for your child to move in and out of the w-sit position, it’s important to encourage him/her to change positions while playing. This allows your child to strengthen core muscles and reduce strain on hips and knees.
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Influenza is the reason for more hospitalizations among young children than any other vaccine-preventable disease with approximately 20,000 children under the age of 5 hospitalized every year. Because the flu can be cause for medical concern for children, it is important to be aware of your child’s symptoms to determine 
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Here are five simple things you can do with your child to help him with the ups and downs of everyday life. Feeling frazzled, tense and can’t wind down? Try Bunny Breath or Swim, Buddy, Swim. Want help with focus and concentration? Practice Tree Pose with your child. Got a 
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Plagiocephaly is a term to describe an irregular shape of an infant’s head. It can mean the baby has a flat spot on the back of his head or that it is misshapen. A baby’s head is quite soft and pliable when first born. This makes a baby’s head very 
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Caring for a child is one of the most important jobs you’ll ever have and making sure you’re doing it well can be overwhelming. One of the ways to ensure your child is healthy and protected is to immunize him. Children under two years old are especially vulnerable to vaccine-preventable 
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Proper handwashing is one of the best things you can do to prevent the spread of germs and keep yourself and others from getting sick.  But, your usual practice of handwashing may not be effective enough to get rid of germs.  Watch the following video to make sure you and 
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Stephanie Sandy, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) I was nearing the the end of yoga class with K-4 students. I had led 20 four-year-olds in active and quiet yoga poses that imitated the animals in the Dr. Seuss book, My Many Colored Days. We kicked like horses, buzzed like bees, soared 
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