Medically-based therapies are looked at much differently in Birth-to-Three programming than programming for school-age children.  Early Intervention is a system of coordinated services that promotes the child’s growth and development and supports families during the critical early years.  In the United States, Early Intervention services for eligible children and families 
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The following information includes tips for meetings, parental advice for participating and navigating IEPs, IEP goals, how to navigate paperwork, how to navigate the law, and negotiating strategies to get what you want and what your child deserves. Individual Education Program (IEP) Under U.S. federal law, IEPs can be developed 
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Change is Hard For Everyone The time has come for your baby or toddler to start day care.  Many questions run through a parent’s mind: “Will they like it?” and “Can I handle this?”  Take a deep breath, it will be okay.  Change is hard; it is natural to want 
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As I sat down to write this, I didn’t realize what I was going to re-discover.  As I stared at the computer to figure out what to share about my unique experience of parenting a child with special needs I was struggling with how to begin. In the eight years 
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