Attachment is the deep and enduring connection established between a child and caregiver in the first several years of life. Attachment is not something that parents do to their children. Rather, it is something that children and parents create together in an ongoing reciprocal relationship. Attachment to a protective and 
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Sleep is important for children for a variety of reasons. It allows the body and brain to re-charge, boosts the immune system to prevent illness, and is a major contributor to a child’s growth and overall development. Children who do not get enough sleep are shown to get sick more 
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Summer vacation is a wonderfully relaxing time for children and parents alike. It provides a break from the daily school schedule and more time to play outside, unwind and take a family vacation. But, much like many good things, summer vacation has to come to an end and the transition 
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There is no denying that putting in a DVD or offering a game on a smart phone can provide a convenient distraction for a child while his parents are caring for younger siblings or taking a much needed moment for themselves.  While this may be true, it is important for 
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A child should ride in a rear-facing car seat until the age of two or until he meets the height and weight limit of the seat.  Installation of a car seat can be complicated and confusing, but is crucial to ensure that your child has a safe ride.  Watch the 
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It is estimated that only 1 in 10 car seats are installed correctly.  We all want our children to be safe when riding in the car, but choosing the right car seat and making sure it is properly installed can be confusing.  Watch the following video on car seat safety 
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All children go through difficult experiences. Even things like moving to a new house, starting school, going to the doctor or dentist, or getting a new sibling can be stressful for young children. And some situations can be very difficult for young children and families, like losing a loved one, 
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Looking forward to going out, but dreading having to find a babysitter? The decision to leave your children in the care of someone else may be nerve racking, but there are steps you can take to ensure that you find a babysitter that you, and your children, trust.  Have no 
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Many parents (even first time) know the tell tale signs of teething: tender gums, chewing on solid objects, irritability and lots and lots of drooling.  Though timing varies for each baby, teething often begins around 4 to 7 months of age and can be a tedious and uncomfortable process for 
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For most babies, transitioning from liquid to pureed foods is an easy task.  However, some children with medical, physical or touch-sensitivity issues can find it difficult to adjust to the process and texture of eating purees.  Some children have a hard time with tongue control due to muscles that are 
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