Check out these homework tips and tricks!
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By: Rebecca Michelsen, M.Ed., MCHES, Manager of Community Outreach & Family Programs, Penfield Children’s Center In the early years, our children form friendships through child care and playdates orchestrated by their parents. Common toddler behavior such as crying when they don’t get their way or taking a toy from the 
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Check out these tips and tricks for potty training your little one!
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By: Courtney Clark, LPC Time out is a strategy that many caregivers use, but there are so many different ways to use them that many times they don’t seem effective. Through our research at the Behavior Clinic at Penfield Children’s Center, we have realized there are ways to use time 
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Give your child a head start for Kindergarten success by following these 7 simple steps!
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By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center As your child transitions back into school year, it’s time to start planning nutritious school lunches. It can be easy to get stuck in a rut and eat the same foods day after day, but with a bit of creativity, your child’s lunch will 
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By: Kari Walters, LPC, Kohl’s Building Blocks Program at Penfield Children’s Center Click here to view the narrative. 
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By: Casey Parr, Community Outreach and Marketing Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Research says that reading aloud to a baby is the most important thing to help them prepare for reading and learning.  Reading will help develop language skills, allow caregivers and babies to bond, and teach new concepts. Many times, 
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[fusion_youtube id=”A3TbF9osfgo” alignment=”center” width=”1920″ height=”1280″ autoplay=”false” api_params=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” css_id=””][/fusion_youtube]   Questions about baby milk storage? Check out these helpful tips.
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By: Casey Parr, Community Outreach and Marketing Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Involving your children with cooking should be fun! When children get some say in what they eat, they are more likely to branch out and try new foods. In the grocery store, you can give them a choice; encourage 
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