Children who have high quality early childhood care and education are more likely than those in low quality environments to enter school ready to learn and to achieve more in early elementary school. High quality can be found both in group child care centers and family in-home providers. So, how 
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One of the most important jobs of growing up to is to learn to understand cause and effect. Young children develop this life-long cognitive skill by actively exploring their world. When your baby flaps her arms in the bathtub to cause a splash, she is using trial and error to 
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Water is mesmerizing, it draws the young and old and is found everywhere; the bathtub, the toilet, sinks, the backyard, buckets, swimming pools, ponds, rivers and lakes. As alluring as water can be, it has hidden dangers. Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death among children ages 1-4 and 
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Raising children is perhaps the most challenging experience we can undertake as adults.  There is no formula or technique that will work with every child and we often spend time trying to figure out what works with our specific child.  While each child is different and each child has different 
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Proper handwashing is one of the best things you can do to prevent the spread of germs and keep yourself and others from getting sick.  But, your usual practice of handwashing may not be effective enough to get rid of germs.  Watch the following video to make sure you and 
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Even though we all know the unhealthful truth about fast food, there are still many irresistible reasons why we continue to show up at the drive thru window.  When you’re nearing dinnertime with hungry kids and limited time and money, the convenience of picking up fast food on the way 
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Stephanie Sandy, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) I was nearing the the end of yoga class with K-4 students. I had led 20 four-year-olds in active and quiet yoga poses that imitated the animals in the Dr. Seuss book, My Many Colored Days. We kicked like horses, buzzed like bees, soared 
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There is no denying that putting in a DVD or offering a game on a smart phone can provide a convenient distraction for a child while his parents are caring for younger siblings or taking a much needed moment for themselves.  While this may be true, it is important for 
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Front-facing car seats are recommended for children to use as long as possible, often up to an 80 pound weight limit.  Your child may ride in a front-facing car seat for several years, so it is important to make sure it is installed correctly.  The following video will help take 
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