Many schools are open and very accepting when it comes to helping their students learn about their peers with special needs. Peer Sensitivity programming in schools is a great way to explain about disabilities and open the floor to let students ask questions in a comfortable and understanding environment. When 
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Bullying, the act of willfully causing harm to others through verbal harassment (teasing and name-calling), physical assault (hitting, kicking, and biting) or social exclusion (intentionally rejecting a child from a group) used to be an issue parents didn’t encounter until the “tween” years (between the ages of 10-12). Unfortunately, bullying 
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Attachment is the deep and enduring connection established between a child and caregiver in the first several years of life. Attachment is not something that parents do to their children. Rather, it is something that children and parents create together in an ongoing reciprocal relationship. Attachment to a protective and 
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Dropping your child off at day care can be an emotional experience for the both of you. Your child may not want you to leave and it may seem impossible to avoid a tearful goodbye. The following video offers tips on how to make the transition to day care easier 
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Sleep is important for children for a variety of reasons. It allows the body and brain to re-charge, boosts the immune system to prevent illness, and is a major contributor to a child’s growth and overall development. Children who do not get enough sleep are shown to get sick more 
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The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies sleep on their backs and spend time on their tummies when awake and supervised. What is so important about tummy time? Babies are born very tightly curled up, a position they keep during those last few months of gestation. After they 
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What are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders? Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders or FASDs are conditions that can potentially occur in a child whose mother consumed an excess amount of alcohol during pregnancy. The conditions can cause growth, mental and physical problems. Children with FASDs typically experience a mix of these problems. 
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Caring for a child is one of the most important jobs you’ll ever have and making sure you’re doing it well can be overwhelming. One of the ways to ensure your child is healthy and protected is to immunize him. Children under two years old are especially vulnerable to vaccine-preventable 
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Your child with Down syndrome is 33 months old and you are preparing to transition from Birth-to-Three services into an early childhood program at your local school. When researching an early childhood program, it is important to think about what your child should achieve by the end of the program. 
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