According to BioTech Limb and Brace, an ankle foot orthosis, or AFO, is designed to treat foot and ankle disorders in children. These are also known as braces, and are designed to provide a stable base of support for your child’s lower extremities. They allow a child to develop the 
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One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is a lifelong love of fitness. Whether your child prefers to kick around a soccer ball, tumble through a gymnastics class or swim laps with the team, movement is key to a happy and healthy life. Looking back on my 
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A good smoothie is a great breakfast option for the whole family. Cold, creamy, and sweet, they are hard to resist by even the pickiest eaters. Smoothies for breakfast can feel like a treat, but secretly provide plenty of nutritious fruits and vegetables, which make them a hit with parents 
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According to the Epilepsy Foundation, Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder and affects people of all ages. Many individuals with epilepsy can have different types of seizures and other neurological problems. Seizures can also come in a variety of forms. Sometimes a person’s arms and legs will twitch, 
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When it comes to raising kids, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of choices. When your child is a baby, it’s about eating and sleeping: do I choose to let my little one cry it out, or should I be at his or her side every whimpering moment? When 
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Sensitivity is often described as the amount of emotional reaction one has to different situations. Some people have an easy time brushing off intense situations and moving on with life, while others continue to dwell on the event long after it happened. Highly sensitive individuals often cry easily and become 
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Creative journaling is a great way for kids of all ages and abilities to express themselves and process the world around them. It also helps document big events and offers a unique way for your child to tell the story of her life’s journey. It can be fun to look 
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Bed bugs have been one of the most talked about pests over the last several years. Bed bugs can be a traveler’s worst nightmare, but they are not only found in hotels. They can find their way into offices, shopping malls, movie theatres and even schools and daycare centers. Bed 
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How many of us spend more time working than we do with our families? Time is something we all wish we had more of. Day to day, we work many hours away from home to take care of expenses and support our families. Oftentimes, parents feel guilty for not being 
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These days, it is all too common to turn on the news and see and hear tragedy after tragedy. Sometimes, it might seem like every week there is a mass shooting or environmental disaster. While this can be difficult to deal with as an adult, it is often even more 
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