By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center Every child has his/her likes and dislikes and feelings toward what is exciting and what is stressful. From the moment your little one is born, he starts to develop his own personality characteristics. Is he easy-going, constantly fussy, comfortable with others holding him or 
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By: Angela Tonozzi, MD, MS, Aurora Health Care in Elm Grove, WI Winter brings us brisk breezes, cozy sweaters, hot cocoa and, unfortunately, sometimes nasty outbreaks of viral infections. This year seems to be shaping up to be a bad one for norovirus. You and your family can get norovirus 
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By: Shelli Samson, NI, Penfield Children’s Center’s Special Care Nursery Ouch! One of the most unpleasant and ever-occurring problems for babies is diaper rash. While a slight red bottom might go unnoticed by your little one, a more extensive rash can itch, burn or even hurt. There are many reasons 
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By: Shelli Samson, NI, Penfield Children’s Center Around 3-5 days after your baby comes home from the hospital, the pediatrician will request the first well baby check-up. This appointment can usually be scheduled while still in the hospital after giving birth. The purpose of this appointment is to make sure 
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By: Shelli Samson, NI, Penfield Children’s Center’s Special Care Nursery After spending time with doctors and nurses in the hospital, parents are often excited and a bit apprehensive to bring home their newborn. Below is a collection of common questions parents ask about the first few weeks home with their 
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By: Shelli Samson, NI, Penfield Children’s Center By now, we’ve all heard about the dangers of smoking. In addition to tooth decay, lung cancer and COPD, smoking causes pneumonia, emphysema and a wealth of other diseases.  For children breathing in this smoke, the effects can be very harmful. According to 
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By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center As parents and caregivers, it is our responsibility to keep our kids safe. We hold their hands, teach them not to touch a hot stove and make sure outlets are covered (among many other things!). In addition to the actions we take, it’s just 
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By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center One of the most fun wintertime activities for children is playing outside. Crunching in newly fallen snow and building snowmen can be great ways to get fresh air and exercise during the long cold-weather months. Before your little ones head outside, make sure you 
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By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center Reviewed by: Shelli Samson, NI, Penfield Children’s Center Apert syndrome affects the shape of a baby’s face and occurs when bones in the skull fuse together prematurely. In addition to affecting the child’s skull, this genetic disorder can also affect the shape of the 
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By: Stephanie Shabangu, Penfield Children’s Center The holidays are upon us! Whether you celebrate a certain holiday or prefer to focus on the winter season, this can be a fun time of year to get your kids involved in community work and have fun together. Families who volunteer together are 
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