The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies sleep on their backs and spend time on their tummies when awake and supervised. What is so important about tummy time? Babies are born very tightly curled up, a position they keep during those last few months of gestation. After they 
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Crawling is your baby’s first opportunity to move around independently and get ready to walk. Watch the following video to learn what you can do to help prepare your baby for crawling and stay safe while doing it. Related video on early childhood development: When Should My Baby Sit up? 
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Sitting up is your baby’s first step to crawling, standing and learning to walk. Watch the following video to learn when your baby should start sitting up and how you can support the process. Related articles on early child development: Appropriate Play and Activities for a Baby Helping Your Child’s 
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Hearing a child’s first words is an exciting experience for every parent.  What many parents don’t know, however, is how easily they can help their child learn new words and use language to communicate wants and needs. There are many simple ways to promote language development when your child starts 
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Routines give children a sense of security and help them develop self-discipline. As adults, we don’t realize the number of times per day our children’s routines are disrupted and how that can affect them. Every day, children experience developmental change without much upheaval, but environmental changes in routine need to be 
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Touchpoints is an evidence-based theory of child development that refers to periods in a child’s life where he or she starts doing something new after an old and predictable behavior stops, i.e., a child starts to walk shortly after he or she stops sleeping through the night.  This theory is 
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