By: Casey Parr, Community Outreach and Marketing Specialist A natural part of growing up is for children to continually take on more responsibility as they crave independence. Did you know that the toys you choose for your child, even from a young age, can help them develop independence? The category 
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By: Jamie Hepburn, Gigi’s Playhouse and Penfield Children’s Center Children with Down syndrome enjoy learning and playing, spending time with friends, creating art and so much more! It’s important to encourage your child to be friends with children of all abilities. Here are do’s and don’ts for being a good 
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By: Natasha Griffin, M.Ed. Family Studies, Katie Beckett Medicaid Consultant, Penfield Children’s Center Children love to learn through play. As they explore their world, they develop skills that will carry them through life. A great way to encourage your child’s love of learning is by making a sensory bin. This 
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Many schools are open and very accepting when it comes to helping their students learn about their peers with special needs. Peer Sensitivity programming in schools is a great way to explain about disabilities and open the floor to let students ask questions in a comfortable and understanding environment. When 
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