Mel Hendrickson and Kelsey Rinzel Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the airways. In children, it is the leading cause of emergency room visits, hospitalizations and missed school days. Asthma can be a life threatening disease if it is not properly managed. Symptoms of Asthma Frequent coughing spells 
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Does your child w-sit? While it’s OK for your child to move in and out of the w-sit position, it’s important to encourage him/her to change positions while playing. This allows your child to strengthen core muscles and reduce strain on hips and knees.
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Dealing with challenging behavior can be frustrating and exhausting for parents. Using a combination of positive reinforcement and the appropriate discipline strategy based on the type of the behavior is necessary to improve behavior. But there is a preliminary step that is often overlooked when dealing with challenging behavior—understanding where 
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Posted by Alex Henze on April 29, 2015 Do you have a child with Autism or know someone with this diagnosis? Often, the actions of people with Autism are misinterpreted. At times people may think a person with Autism is rejecting them or has no interest in them because he 
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As a mother of a child with a rare genetic condition, there are lessons I’ve learned over the years that have helped me become a better parent and effectively advocate for my son. Dealing with the diagnosis of a special need is difficult, but there are steps that every parent 
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Social and emotional learning is an important piece of a child’s development. Many parents think of development in terms of a child learning to talk, walk, and become more independent during daily living skills. However, a child’s development is also characterized by learning how to interact with others and appropriately 
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Although parenting can be difficult and challenging, it can also be the most amazing and fun experience. There are many different parenting dynamics including single, married, divorced, grandparents, foster, adoptive or same-sex. Regardless of demographics, it is not uncommon for parenting styles to differ because all people have their own 
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Introducing new foods to your weekly menu can be challenging.  Getting children to try new foods can be just as tough. Children typically need to be exposed to a new food six to 10 times … sometimes more. Learn some tips for introducing new foods to your child and making 
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Shaped like cartoon characters or baby animals, gummy multivitamins are one way to make sure a child gets vitamins and minerals. They taste good and fill the nutrition gaps in the diet. They sound like a win! And they are, as long as they’re taken correctly. As you can imagine, 
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Beginning around six months of age, your little one may be ready to start eating solid foods. Making your own baby food may sound complicated but it is incredibly simple and will save your family a lot of money. You can also be confident that you are providing your baby 
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