Ensure Positive Early Experiences with a Planned Gift
Financial gifts to Penfield Children's Center help us ensure that children have positive early experiences from pregnancy through age 5, when the foundations for lifelong development are established. Planning a future gift is a meaningful way to leave a legacy of support for our mission while also benefiting you and your family. Explore your options below to find the giving plan that works best for you.
Contact us to explore planned giving options:
Alex Ducoffe
Director of Partnerships and Investments
(414) 333-3748

Include Penfield in your will or living trust. You can designate a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or a remainder after other distributions.
Beneficiary Designations
Name Penfield as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts, life insurance policies or investment accounts.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Donate a significant gift to Penfield in exchange for fixed annual payments for life. After your lifetime, the remaining balance supports the nonprofit.

Charitable Lead Trusts
Transfer assets into a trust that provides income to Penfield for a set term, after which the remaining assets are returned to your beneficiaries.
Donor-Advised Funds
Contribute to a donor-advised fund and recommend grants to Penfield over time. You receive an immediate tax deduction for your contributions.
Endowment Gifts
Establish or contribute to an endowment fund to provide ongoing support for Penfield's mission.

Gifts of Appreciated Assets
Donate assets like stocks, bonds, or real estate. This can help avoid capital gains taxes and provide a tax deduction.
Legacy Gift Pledges
Commit to a planned gift now, ensuring future support of Penfield Children's Center.
Legacy Plan
Naming Penfield in your donar advised fund directs funds to Penfield at then end of a donors life.

Retained Life Estate
Donate your home or other property to Penfield but retain the right to live there for the rest of your life.
Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRAs
A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from an IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. Amounts
distributed as a QCD can be counted toward satisfying your RMD for the year.

Connect with our Partnerships and Investments Team
Our Partnerships and Investments team is here to guide you in exploring planned giving options that align with your goals and values. Whether you’re considering a bequest, a charitable trust, or another form of legacy giving, we’re ready to help you create a plan that makes a lasting impact for the children and families we serve.
Reach out to schedule a conversation and take the first step toward leaving a meaningful legacy of support.
Alex Ducoffe
Director of Partnerships and Investments
(414) 333-3748