Posted by Stephanie Shabangu on May 16, 2019 By: Maria Isberner, Parent Mentor, Penfield Children’s Center Imagine being told that your child may never walk, she may never talk and that she will have significant developmental delays. That was what my husband and I were told about our daughter 7 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center My husband has always joked that I am scared of everything, and this has never been more true than since we became parents. I feel like there are constant fears going through my mind, and while some are completely normal, sometimes 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center While I admit I am one that gets a little ruffled when people I am not very familiar with try to give me parenting advice, I do listen intently when the advice comes from someone I know and respect, like my 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Although my husband’s family lives near us, my parents and siblings live about a two hour drive away, and I have always made a point of going to visit them at least one weekend out of the month. I knew those 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center I love being a parent, but I also sometimes really miss parts of my life before being a parent. It is not so much the alone time or the staying up late and getting up at a time of my choosing 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center March 12th was the start of Daylight Saving Time, and I do not know about you, but winter starts getting old pretty fast after the holidays, so the early days of spring are a welcome reminder that nicer weather is around 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Maintaining a garden can be a lot of work, but it can also be a great way to relax and get some fresh air. Many children enjoy spending time in a garden, whether gardening or simply enjoying the view, because there 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Although as a whole, the world is starting to leave behind the idea that women are the primary caregivers of children and are embracing the idea of fathers or other family members being more involved in the day-to-day details of raising 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Before I could take my son home from the NICU, there was a whole checklist of things that had to be done. Most of them were a variety of tests he had to pass to ensure he would be safe to 
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By: Cristina Moreno, Bilingual Outreach Specialist, Penfield Children’s Center Winter is here, and while snow days and a white Christmas may be a dream come true for many children, playing in the frigid cold or driving on messy streets are not an adult’s idea of fun. Chances are, if you 
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